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Being Skin Safe In The Sun!

Jul 2016


The sun can do a lot of good.  It regulates sleep cycles, stimulates the body’s production of Vitamin D and enhances feelings of well-being.


 But there is also a downside: Exposure to sun can lead to wrinkles, age spots, and skin cancer. In fact, Sunshine is considered the single biggest cause of visible aging. But you don’t have to succumb to the damaging rays. Even if you haven’t been sun savvy in the past, it’s never too late to start protecting your skin.





Every time the sun strikes your skin, the skin produces pigment that scatters and absorbs the rays. The resulting tan means your skin is defending itself from harmful radiation.

But a tan can do only so much. Over time, the UVA and UVB radiation in sunshine can weaken the lower layer of skin, known as the dermis, and promote wrinkles, brown spots and the development of skin cancer.





Choose products with a high SPF! ...SPF refers to the length of time that sunscreen protects the skin… It stands for "sun protection factor," and it's a measure of how well sunscreen protects your skin.


Apply it often...  Reapply this form of sun protection every 2 hours—more often if you're swimming or perspiring a lot.


Buy a broad-spectrum sunscreen… These sunscreens will help block UVB and UVA rays. UVB light is the primary cause of sunburns, and protecting skin against UVA light plays an important role in preventing wrinkling and signs of aging.


Give it time to work… In general, sunscreen is most effective when it's absorbed into the skin. Rub it on about 20 minutes before you go outside.


Use the right amount… It takes about an ounce of sunscreen to cover the average person's body. That's about the amount that would fill a shot glass.


Protect yourself Year-round!... Don’t forget that up to 80% of the sun’s UV rays can pass through the clouds, and snow can also reflect 80% of UV rays, increasing exposure. The higher your altitude, the greater your UV exposure.


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