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May 2019

Guys we know you live fast-paced lives and don’t have enough time during the day to spend hours on grooming. We’ve got some good news: You can look your best without spending more than an hour in the bathroom.

Shave while you’re taking a Shower                                                                    
If you shave carefully and don’t try to rush through the process, you shouldn’t have any problem shaving in the shower. Not only does the hot water blasting your face help to open your pores, it also washes all your whiskers down the drain! Tip: Let your DHT blocking shampoo-hair loss prevention stay lathered in your hair to help stimulate your scalp follicles while you shave and then rinse after shaving.

Join the Cleanse, Scrub, AND Moisture Club
We understand that you love just Soap and water, but it isn't all you need. Using a decent cleanser DAILY and a WEEKLY scrub will rid your pores of the deep stated gunk on your face. The kind that is difficult to reach. Plus, it sloughs off dead skin cells leaving your skin feeling brand new underneath. before you go out and conquer the world, make sure to seal your skin with a good moisturizer & sunblock!
Get those Teeth looking pearly white with Baking Soda
Brush your teeth with a pinch of baking soda/lemon juice and you’ll notice how much brighter and cleaner your teeth look. Remember you should do this only once every month, as baking soda can wear down your teeth’s enamel if used too frequently. With these life hacks, you’ll be able to look your best while getting ready on the go and you'll stay on point throughout the day.


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